North America has some interesting creatures roaming the Earth, which can also be large. From the oceans to the land, these animals are awe-inspiring and show us how incredible the world can be.
1. Blue Whale

These majestic creatures can grow to be 100 feet in length and weigh as much as 200 tons. These gentle giants might seem intimidating, but they are the gentle giants of the ocean and only feed on krill. Despite their size, they are quite fast and can swim up to 30 miles per hour.
2. American Bison

These incredible creatures roam the land with impressive grace and can weigh up to 2,000 pounds. They were once on the brink of extinction, but thanks to conservation efforts, they have been rehabilitated and returned to their glory.
3. Polar Bear

These Arctic bears are some of the biggest creatures in the snow and can weigh up to 1,500 pounds. Their incredible fur helps them camouflage, and a thick layer of body fat that insulates them against the cold. They are some of the best swimmers and prey on seals as their food of choice.
4. Grizzly Bear

These bears might look cute and cuddly, but they are pretty large compared to most creatures in the forests they roam. They can weigh up to 790 pounds and are known for their strength and agility. These bears help keep small animal populations in check and the delicate balance in the ecosystem around them.
5. Right Whale

This incredible ocean giant can weigh up to 155,000 and 175,000 pounds and is one of the most gentle creatures in the ocean. They are slow-moving animals and only filter small organisms from the water. These whales are endangered due to extreme overhunting in the past, and conservation efforts are now in full force to try to protect them.
6. Moose

Moose are one of the largest members of the deer family and can weigh up to 1,500 pounds. Having an encounter with one of these creatures can be awe-inspiring and often surprising, as people don’t realize how big they truly are. They have some impressive antlers and only feed on the vegetation around them.
7. American Alligator

These crawlers are well-known to be some of the biggest animals and are incredibly intimidating. They can grow 5 feet long and weigh as much as 1,000 pounds, which doesn’t seem like much until they head your way. They are found in the southeastern United States, particularly in the Florida Everglades and the Louisiana Bayou.
8. Humpback Whale

These giant acrobats are often seen in the water during their migration periods and can grow quite large. They can grow up to 60 feet long and weigh about 66,000 pounds. Their populations have increased since the whaling ban, making them a success story in marine conservation.
9. Steller Sea Lion

These large seals can grow to be around 2,500 pounds and can be spotted due to their massive size and thick necks. They are found on the Pacific coasts of North America and play an important role in maintaining the delicate balance in the ecosystem.
10. Musk Ox

These incredible Arctic creatures have adapted well to their harsh environments and can grow to around 900 pounds. They have some impressive defensive behavior, forming protective circles around vulnerable members of their herds.
11. Canadian Horse

These incredible horses can weigh up to an impressive 1,000 and 1,400 pounds. They have incredible strength and endurance, which makes them even more remarkable. Besides all these great features they boast, they are a stunning breed, too.
12. Bowhead Whale

These incredible mammals can weigh up to 120,000 pounds and are found in Arctic and sub-Arctic waters. Bowheads are known for their distinctive bow-shaped heads and can live for over a century, making them one of the longest-living mammals on Earth.