Home Science & Research Tennessee Is Infested—Invasive Species in 80 out of 95 Counties

Tennessee Is Infested—Invasive Species in 80 out of 95 Counties

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Tennessee faces an ecological nightmare as invasive wild hogs continue their destructive rampage. These feral swine have been reported in 80 out of the state’s 95 counties, posing a severe threat to agriculture, native wildlife, and human safety.

The Difference Between Wild Hogs And Domestic Pigs

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Canva_Brett Sayles

Wild hogs and domestic pigs may belong to the same species, but their behaviors, appearances, and environmental impacts are vastly different. Domestic pigs are bred for agricultural purposes and tend to be docile, whereas wild hogs are highly aggressive, destructive, and capable of surviving in extreme conditions. Their coarse hair, longer tusks, and leaner bodies make them more suited for life in the wild, where they pose a significant ecological threat.

Where These Hogs Came From


These hogs were illegally introduced to some areas of Tennessee to make hunting opportunities more profitable. It’s no surprise that these populations have grown entirely out of control, seeing as there are few natural predators for these hogs, and they reproduce rapidly.

Destruction of Farmlands

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Canva-Vee Terzy

One of the biggest ways they impact the environment around them is their constant urge to destroy farmlands. They tend to root through crops, destroy fences, and, in general, they cause millions of dollars worth of damage each year.

A Threat To Native Wildlife


These invasive pigs are destructive and eat anything that crosses their path, from crops to small mammals. This causes a massive disruption in the ecosystems of the native animals, often leaving them without food or shelter.

The Effect Of Their Reproduction

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Canva_ xalanx

These hogs reproduce at an alarming rate, making their presence even more worrisome for people in the area. Each sow can have up to 2 litters each year, with anywhere between 4 and 12 piglets per litter. At these rates, population control becomes even more challenging.

The Disease Problem

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Canva_, Slatan

One of the biggest problems these wild hogs cause is the potential threat they pose to livestock and humans alike. Feral swine carry around 30 diseases and just as many parasites that can easily be passed on to any living animal they come in contact with. It can be devastating if they come in contact with huge amounts of livestock while passing through an area.

Water Contamination And Their Impact On The Environment

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Canva_ vvoevale

Wild hogs love wallowing around in water or streams, which can lead to water contamination of small water sources, especially on farms. Because of how destructive they can be, they can also cause long-term problems for the environment around them, leading to other problems that can negatively affect wildlife around them.

Annual Cost To The State

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Canva_ rzdeb

Tennessee Wildlife Research Agency states, “Results indicate that while the wild hogs and the damages are limited to certain parts of the state, the total impact is substantial, with the estimated value of damage of over $26 million.”

Hunting Solutions That Just Aren’t Working

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Canva_Kaspars Grinvalds

Hunting is often one of the best ways to get rid of overpopulated animals in an area, but these hogs have adapted to these methods, and they just aren’t working. Wild hogs are highly intelligent and adapt quickly, making eradication through hunting alone nearly impossible.

Trapping As A Method Of Control


Wildlife experts suggest that large-scale trapping is the most effective way to reduce hog numbers. Coordinated efforts using corral traps have shown some success, but sustained efforts are required to make a lasting impact.

The Need For Public Awareness

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Canva_ Triton21

Educating people on the dangers and impact of wild hogs in the area is essential. Many people unknowingly contribute to the problem by illegally relocating hogs for hunting purposes. Besides their health risks, the financial loss to the state can be tremendous without some eradication.

The Future of Tennessee’s Wild Hog Crisis


Without aggressive and sustained intervention, wild hogs will continue to wreak havoc across Tennessee. Ongoing research, community involvement, and government action will determine whether the state can curb this growing invasion before it becomes even more unmanageable.

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