Home Wild Discover the 10 Rarest Mammals on the Planet—And Where to See Them

Discover the 10 Rarest Mammals on the Planet—And Where to See Them

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There are some incredible animals all across the globe, and some are absolutely mind-blowing. Unfortunately, many of these animals are being threatened somehow, making them extremely rare and hard to spot. These are some of the rarest animals on the planet, and if you’re ever lucky enough to spot one, it’s a once-in-a-lifetime experience.

1. Northern White Rhinoceros

Mtcurado via Canva

These remarkable creatures are one of the rarest animals on Earth, with only two known females surviving. These rhinos can be found in the Ol Pejeta Conservancy in Kenya, and with no males left, conservationists rely on technical advances to try to save the species. They are exceptional sightings; conservation efforts can help restore the species.

2. Vaquita

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This tiny porpoise is endemic to the Gulf of California in Mexico. Due to the entanglement in fishing gear, these sea creatures are almost extinct, with less than 10 left in the wild as of 2024. Conservation efforts are in full swing to try and save this remarkable species from gillnets. Still, their future is grim if illegal fishing habits don’t change in their habitat.

3. Hainan Gibbon

Nuwat Chanthachhanthuek via Canva

These little cuties can be found on the Hainan Island in China, and they are on the brink of extinction. These primates are mostly endangered due to deforestation and habitat loss. Conservation efforts are focusing on protecting their habitat and making these animals from rare to loved for many years to come.

4. Saola

LinkedIn – The BioBuzz

This “Asian Unicorn” was discovered in 1992 in the Annamite Mountains of Vietnam and Laos. They are so rare that researchers aren’t even sure how many are left in the species. Around 750 of these critters are believed to be running around, but this is just an estimate, and conservation efforts are still being made to save them from extinction.

5. Gobi Bear

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There are less than 50 of these magnificent bears left in the world. They live in the Gobi Desert of Mongolia. Unlike most other bears, they have adapted to living in harsh desert environments, feeding on a limited diet of roots, berries, and occasional insects. Conservation efforts have focused on providing them with additional food sources and protecting their habitat from human interaction.

6. Amur Leopard

Rixie via Canva

These cats are absolutely astonishing, but sadly, they are on the brink of extinction. Less than 100 cats are still roaming Earth, and they can be found in the far East of Russia and northeast China. These cats are endangered due to poaching and habitat loss, and conservation efforts are focused on reviving these remarkable cats back to their full glory.

7. Cross River Gorilla

Fkamtoh via Wikimedia Commons

These gorillas, with their beautiful brown eyes, can look straight into your soul. They can be found in the dense forests along the Nigeria-Cameroon border, and there are only around 300 left in the wild. These gorillas have become endangered due to hunting and deforestation.

8. Sumatran Tiger

SteveBridge68 via Canva

These giant cats are some of the rarest on the planet, with only around 400 confirmed cats left in the wild. They can be found on the Indonesian island of Sumatra. They have mainly become endangered due to habitat loss and poaching. Conservation efforts are now in play to try and save these tigers from becoming extinct for good.

9. Bornean Orangutan

Soedarto via Canva

While these magnificent creatures are the least endangered on this list, they are still relatively rare and indeed a remarkable sighting to experience. The Bornean orangutan can be found on the island of Borneo, and there has recently been a steep decline in its numbers. This has caused serious concern for their future, but conservation efforts now focus on protecting their habitat.

10. Philippine Pangolin

Shukran888 via Wikimedia Commons

This is one of the most endangered species of Pangolin, and researchers aren’t quite sure exactly how many are left in the wild. They can be found in the Philippines but have become extinct due to illegal wildlife trade. Conservation efforts are focused on protecting them from being poached, which is their biggest threat.

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