Home Environment Conservationists Push for Grizzly Protections Ahead of Climate Policy Changes

Conservationists Push for Grizzly Protections Ahead of Climate Policy Changes

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Conservationists are calling on the U.S. government to take more aggressive action to safeguard Rocky Mountain grizzly bears, especially as federal climate and wildlife policy changes looms under Trump’s administration. These efforts include petitions aimed at improving habitat connectivity and helping to ensure the long-term survival of the species. However, ranchers and state officials pushing for diminished federal protections oppose these proposals.

Petition for Grizzly Connectivity

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Environmental groups led by Earthjustice have petitioned the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) to link grizzlies in the Yellowstone ecosystem to those around Glacier National Park. In the petition, the Center highlights that a connected metapopulation would promote genetic diversity and demographic resilience, which are vital to the species’ survival.

Ranchers Oppose Habitat Expansion

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The proposal to expand grizzly habitats has faced criticism from ranchers, who argue that grizzlies pose risks to livestock. Jim Magagna of the Wyoming Stock Growers Association contends that the bears are moving into unsuitable areas, creating conflicts with human activities.

The Federal Decision

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Per the order, the FWS has to determine whether the grizzlies remain a federally protected threatened species. This decision could have a major effect on whether conservation will be possible in the future.

The History Behind These Protections

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Grizzlies were listed as threatened under the Endangered Species Act in 1975 after being hunted to near extinction. Since then, their population in the Rocky Mountains has roughly doubled to about 2,000 bears. However, past efforts by the Trump administration to remove federal protections were blocked by courts.

State Management Concerns

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Wyoming, Montana, and Idaho are still vying for state control over grizzlies, an eventuality that would almost certainly usher in hunting programs similar to those that have been instituted for wolves. Conservationists worry that this change may undermine recovery efforts.

Human-Related Mortality Risks

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Grizzlies face significant threats from human activities, including vehicle collisions, accidental shootings, and conflicts over food sources. In 2024 alone, 73 grizzly deaths in the Yellowstone region were linked to human causes, the highest number on record.

Importance of Habitat Connectivity


According to the petition, habitat connectivity is essential for mitigating threats such as habitat loss and climate change. Expanding roaming areas would also allow grizzlies to adjust better to pressures on the environment.

Scientific Backing for Recovery Plans

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Chris Servheen, the former FWS grizzly recovery coordinator, supports the connectivity plan as part of a revised recovery framework. However, he says delisting grizzlies would render those plans ineffective.

Grizzlies as Keystone Species

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As a keystone species, grizzlies play a role in maintaining ecosystem health by regulating prey populations and dispersing seeds. Protection of their habitats supports wider biodiversity.

High-Profile Grizzly Deaths

PHYS ORG – Isabella Breda

The death of Grizzly No. 399 — a famous bear known for her proximity to roads— has drawn attention to the danger posed by vehicle traffic. These types of incidents highlight the importance of safer wildlife corridors.

Rancher Concerns Over Livestock Losses

rick734’s via Canva

Ranchers contend that expanding grizzly territory is dangerous, putting livestock and rural communities at risk. They are calling for the species to be delisted and instead managed at the state level.

Climate Change: Challenges Ahead

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Climate change will exacerbate habitat loss and food scarcity for grizzlies. Conservationists argue that federal protections are necessary to respond effectively to these long-term problems.

Balancing Conservation and Human Interests

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The debate over grizzly protections highlights the tensions between wildlife conservation and human economic interests. Finding common ground will become critical to species survival and community well-being.