The ocean is home to many secrets, some of which we might not always know. From unexplored areas to giant creatures, the ocean always has something to offer.
1. Blue Whale

This majestic creature is known to be the biggest animal in the entire animal kingdom, and for good reason. They can reach incredible lengths of up to 100 feet and weigh around 200 tons, which can make them seem quite intimidating. These gentle giants aren’t anything to fear, however, as they are filter feeders, primarily consuming tiny krill. They can eat up to four tons of these shrimp-like creatures daily!
2. Colossal Squid

What can be more terrifying than a giant squid, one of the largest invertebrates, with estimates suggesting it can reach lengths up to 46 feet? They mostly stay in the deep waters of the Southern Ocean, making encounters with these creatures pretty rare. Phew! They also have swiveling hooks in their tentacles, which help them catch their prey with little effort but don’t make them any less terrifying.
3. Whale Shark

These stunning creatures are the biggest known fish species in the ocean, measuring up to 40 feet long. Despite their incredible size, they are also filter feeders, mostly snacking on plankton and small fish. They are gentle giants that pose no threat to humans, and it’s an experience for divers to swim alongside these magical creatures.
4. Sperm Whale

Sperm whales are enormous, with males growing up to 67 feet. They aren’t as harmless as the blue whale as they have teeth that help them hunt giant squid deep in the ocean. Their heads contain spermaceti, a waxy substance that can help in echolocation and potentially buoyancy control. These whales can dive to an incredible 3,280 feet to hunt their prey.
5. Giant Manta Ray

Reaching a wingspan of up to 29 feet, these Manta Rays are massive compared to the smaller species. These gliders are mainly found in tropical and subtropical waters and eat tons of plankton daily as filter feeders. They are true gentle giants with a curious nature, making them an excellent encounter for divers.
6. Oarfish

These long, bony fish can grow to incredible lengths, some up to 36 feet. They have ribbon-like bodies and dorsal fins that run along their entire body. Because they mainly live in deep waters, they aren’t seen often. These mystical creatures might even have fueled some myths about sea serpents!
7. Sunfish

These fish might not hold the title for the longest bony fish in the ocean, but they sure do for the heaviest. They are also known as bumphead sunfish, and the largest one ever caught weighed a shocking 6,049 pounds. These awkward swimmers mainly eat jellyfish, algae, and small fish, and they love floating near the ocean’s surface.
8. Pacific Octopus

These guys are one of the largest octopus species in the ocean, mainly inhabiting the North Pacific Ocean. They can grow huge, with arm spans reaching up to 20 feet. They have incredible problem-solving skills and sharp beaks to help them break through hard shells for their next snack.
9. Japanese Spider Crab

If you think that spiders on land are terrifying, imagine seeing one while on your next diving trip. They can grow up to 12 feet from claw to claw and are usually found in the waters around Japan. These creepy creatures can live in depths of up to 1,000 feet, and they are mainly scavengers looking for their next dead meal.
10. Lion’s Mane Jellyfish

Jellyfish can be intimidating, but when their tentacles grow to lengths of up to 120 feet, they can send chills down your spine. Don’t expect to see these jellyfish in the ocean unless you’re exploring the Arctic, North Atlantic, and North Pacific Oceans. Their bell can reach a diameter of over 7 feet, and their long, trailing tentacles are equipped with stinging cells to capture prey.
11. Fin Whale

This giant of the ocean comes in second place as the largest animal in the ocean, growing up to 85 feet and weighing up to 80 tons. They have sleek, streamlined bodies and can easily be identified by their dorsal fins. They can swim an incredible 23 miles per hour, making them the fastest whale in the ocean.
12. Great White Shark

These sharks have a right to be feared as they are the largest predator fish in the ocean, growing up to 20 feet in length. They have a fearsome reputation and can be found in waters worldwide. They are incredible hunters and have some mean senses to back them up. This is one fish you shouldn’t be messing with.