Home Environment Amazon Deforestation Is Changing Rainfall Patterns and Threatening Wildlife

Amazon Deforestation Is Changing Rainfall Patterns and Threatening Wildlife

LinkedIn – Hassan Sachedina

The Amazon Rainforest has faced large scale deforestation since the 1960s. The deforestation causes a lot of harm to the local ecosystems inside the rainforest. The long-term impact includes a change in rainfall patterns and loss of biodiversity.


Canva – Grisha Bruev

The large-scale deforestation that the Amazon Rainforest is still under today is due to infrastructure development, cattle ranching, and farming. These practices have degraded the health of the rainforest, which could have huge implications for its sustainability in the future.

Rainfall Patterns

Canva – USonerCdem

Deforestation affects rainforests uniquely. Once relatively dry seasons become much drier because of more mesoscale atmospheric circulation. The wetter seasons see much more precipitation due to decreasing evapotranspiration, which means that the regional climate becomes heavily inbalanced.

Wet Seasons

X – @PaleoLaura

The affect of doforestation on wet seasons is localized and is not as heavily impactful away from deforested areas. The increased rainfall over these deforested regions can affect the water table and local wildlife that were once sheltered by the trees.

Dry Seasons

Canva – sbonk

Dry seasons, which were already a challenge for some species, are becoming more dangerous as drought conditions become more prevalent. The decrease in moisture in the air leads to less rainfall, which has a huge impact on wildlife.

A Lose In Biodiversity

Pinterest – Lisa

The Amazon Rainforest has some incredibly varied and unique species living inside its borders. As deforestation destroys habitats, animals have less space and die out. With less biodiversity, many different animals in the food chain are affected and may even face extinction.

Indigenous Communities

Canva – Robert Kneschke

Indigenous people that live in the Amazon are also impacted heavily by deforestation. The rainforest has a deep connection with their culture, and their land must be protected for their sake and for the sake of the indigenous wildlife that is at risk.

Climate Change

Canva – piyaset

Climate change is only exacerbated by deforestation, as carbon that’s stored by the trees is released into the atmosphere. With the loss of substantial carbon sinks, climate change accelerates, which has impacts on sea levels, and disastrous weather events.

Precipitation Recycling

Canva – kevinruss

The trees in the Amazon contribute to precipitation recycling, which the habitat relies heavily on. Deforestation means there are fewer trees to aid in precipitation recycling, which leads to less rainfall and a further ecological imbalance in the regions affected.

Beyond Local Impacts

Pinterest – Treehugger

Deforestation affects more than just local and isolated regions. The impacts can be seen as altered atmospheric circulation travels for miles. This means that more severe weather events can be jumpstarted, destroying more habitats and communities.

Decrease In Precipitation

Canva – panyajampatong

Deforestation in the Amazon Rainforest has a certain threshold. Once enough deforestation occurs, then rainfall decreases significantly. If researchers can find this threshold, then policies could be put in place to prevent irreversible damage.

Economic Consequences

Canva – richcarey

Beyond environmental consequences, there are also economic risks tied to deforestation. The altered rainfall patterns can affect local agriculture practitioners like farmers. This would lead to food scarcity as crops suffer from drought conditions.

Addressing The Problems

Canva – Robert Kneschke

The Amazon is likely to face a crisis as deforestation continues. The amazing ecosystems within must be protected through conservation efforts and future policy changes. The effects of deforestation must be mitigated in any way possible.