As populations keep expanding, a few animals might not like humans invading their space and taking over their habitats. Due to habitat loss and the scarcity of natural food sources, more and more animals are now seeing humans as prey rather than a potential threat.
1. Lions

Lions are responsible for more deaths each year, especially in Africa. Habitat encroachment has brought humans closer to lion territories, which has caused a lot of conflict and potential attacks. Lions often attack at night, targeting vulnerable individuals near villages or agricultural areas.
2. Tigers

Tigers have a long history of preying on humans, and as deforestation becomes more prevalent, tigers are forced to move into human territory. Older or even injured tigers will turn to humans as prey, as humans are easier to catch than wild animals.
3. Komodo Dragons

While it may seem odd, Komodo Dragons can attack humans when their natural prey becomes scarce. These large lizards use venomous bites and sharp teeth to subdue their victims and can overpower unsuspecting individuals who wander into their territory.
4. Hyenas

Spotted hyenas are more known for being scavengers, but when a situation arises, they will take their chance and attack humans. They most commonly attack children or vulnerable adults as they are less of a threat, but only in extreme situations or food scarcity.
5. Polar Bears

These magnificent creatures have started seeing humans as prey more often as their natural food source, seals, is getting scarce due to environmental changes. Nutritionally stressed polar bears may venture into human settlements for food and will not hesitate to hunt people if the opportunity arises.
6. Crocodiles

Crocs can be extremely dangerous due to their sneakiness. Hundreds of people fall victim to this predator every year because they can move around freely in rivers and dams. They often end up near human settlements, and people might not even know they are in the area until the first attack.
7. Leopards

Leopards are opportunistic hunters that have occasionally turned to preying on humans. Leopards will hunt humans when they are old and weak or when food sources become scarce. Once a leopard has hunted a human, it habituates them to human flesh, and they must be hunted down.
8. Wolves

Wolves hunt humans the least compared to other predators, but it’s not impossible. Protected wolf populations in some regions have shown increased boldness toward humans, mainly when associating settlements with food sources.
9. Hippos

Although herbivorous, hippos are highly territorial and responsible for more human deaths annually than most predators on this list—up to 500 fatalities per year. As humans keep moving into their territory, the attacks will worsen, causing them to retaliate.
10. Dingoes

These wild dogs will likely only attempt to hunt humans when their food sources become scarce. They are still weary, though, and would much rather attack children than take on an adult. These attacks are extremely rare but aren’t impossible, especially when they feel trapped or threatened.
11. Brown Bears

Bears will most commonly attack when their food sources become scarce or when there is a territory battle. With people moving closer to their environment, these attacks become more common each year. Although these attacks are still relatively rare, they can be fatal, and the number of attacks slowly increases yearly.
12. Wild Pigs

While pigs aren’t known to stalk or hunt humans, they do kill more humans each year than sharks do. Human-pig conflicts have risen as feral pig populations grow unchecked in some regions. These pigs can quickly feel threatened and will retaliate, often leading to an attack that could be fatal. If they find someone incapacitated, they will take the opportunity to get a quick snack before heading off. They might seem innocent and less intimidating than all these predators combined, but they can be deadly.