Home Wild 11 Remarkable Animals That Can Survive Without Water

11 Remarkable Animals That Can Survive Without Water

Facebook – Atlas of Living Australia

One would think that no living creature can go without food and water, but some animals are entirely defying all odds. Due to the harsh environments animals have to live in, they have evolved to be able to go without water for long periods of time.

1. Kangaroo Rat

Pacific Southwest Region from Sacramento, US, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

These little critters are native to North America and have evolved to survive with little to no water. Instead of drinking water, they rely on the moisture in their food, which they store in underground burrows. The kangaroo rat also has specialized kidneys that allow it to conserve water by excreting highly concentrated urine.

2. Camel

Shakeel Sha via Canva

While camels can drink large amounts of water in one go, their true survival secret lies in their ability to conserve it. They have specialized features, like a thick coat that protects them from the sun’s heat, and they can fluctuate their body temperature, reducing the need for water through perspiration. Camels can go for several days without drinking, relying on the fat stored in their hump, which they metabolize into water.

3. Thorny Devil

Miropa via Canva

This spiky lizard is native to the deserts of Australia and has a fascinating way of surviving without direct access to water. This little reptile’s unique adaptation allows it to collect and drink moisture from the environment. Its body is covered in specialized scales that channel rain or dew into grooves leading to its mouth. The Thorny Devil can also absorb moisture through its skin, allowing it to stay hydrated even in the driest conditions.

4. Gila Monster

Erin Donalson via Canva

This venomous lizard is found in North America and is pretty rare in the wild. It is one of the few venomous lizards in the world, and it has another remarkable trait—it can survive with little to no water for long periods. It stores fat in its thick, fleshy tail, which can be metabolized into water.

5. Sand Gazelle

Bin Wang via Canva

This has to be one of the most fascinating creatures yet. They can shrink their liver and heart, reducing their oxygen needs and minimizing water loss through respiration. They mostly survive on moisture from the plants they eat, which can keep them hydrated when water levels are low.

6. Fennec Fox

Tzooka via Canva

Like most desert creatures, the Fenec fox has adapted to the harsh environment. Its large ears help to dissipate heat, and it mostly moves around at night to avoid scorching daytime temperatures. Most of the moisture it needs comes from its diet and kidneys, minimizing water loss.

7. Scorpions

KristianBell via Canva

As these little critters live in arid heat, scorpions get most of their hydration from their prey. Their slow metabolism also helps them endure long periods without food or water, sometimes months without a meal. They also mostly move around at night to ensure they aren’t exposed to extreme heat throughout the day.

8. Desert Tortoise

LPETTET via Canva

These incredible creatures can go up to a year without access to fresh water thanks to their unique ability to store water in their bladders, which they can reabsorb when needed. This slow-moving reptile also conserves moisture by spending up to 95% of its life in underground burrows, avoiding the scorching desert heat. They also get most of their moisture from the foods they eat.

9. Fogstand Beetle

© Hans Hillewaert – Wikimedia Commons

This tiny beetle climbs to the top of a dune each morning and positions its body at the right angle to capture moisture from the fog rolling in from the Atlantic Ocean. Unique grooves on its back channel the condensed water droplets directly to its mouth, allowing the beetle to drink without needing a traditional water source. Incredible right?

10. Water-Holding Frog

Ken Griffiths via Canva

This slippery little critter can go extremely long periods without water, and it’s pretty amazing. During droughts, they burrow deep underground and secrete a mucus cocoon around themselves to prevent dehydration. When rain finally arrives, the frog emerges, rehydrates, and breeds in temporary pools before the landscape dries up again.

11. Tardigrade

Schokraie E, Warnken U, Hotz-Wagenblatt A, Grohme MA, Hengherr S, et al. (2012), CC BY 2.5, via Wikimedia Commons

These microscopic creatures, known as the water bear, can go for decades without water. They enter cryptobiosis, losing almost all their body moisture, and curl into a dehydrated form called a “tun.” Once water becomes available, they rehydrate and return to regular activity as if nothing happened.

Creatures That Defy All Odds

Miropa via Canva

These creatures have had to adapt to extremely harsh environments where water can become scarce. Each animal has its way of conserving energy and water so it doesn’t dehydrate, and it’s quite fascinating.