Home Wild 10 Harrowing Human Encounters With Animal Swarms

10 Harrowing Human Encounters With Animal Swarms

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A swarm is defined as a large group of organisms that move together as a single entity. This sounds like it could be something beautiful and mesmerizing to witness, but what if you were to get caught in one of these animal swarms? Getting caught up in a swarm can be a harrowing, terrifying experience, but it can also be deadly.

The Impact of Swarming

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Swarming animals can be dangerous to ecosystems, humans, and the environment as a whole. They can deplete food sources in localized areas, disrupt plant life, alter predator-prey dynamics, and influence weather patterns. They are known to threaten livestock and crops and, as this list will show, injure and kill hundreds of humans.

1. Bats Attack Schoolchildren

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Ingham, Queensland, Australia, saw a swarm of 300,000 bats in 2020. The sight of bats swooping down, diving bombing children near a school caused panic, which was caused by fear of the potential health risks that the species pose. The bats eventually settled into nearby trees, and no one was harmed. Though bats don’t prey on humans, they do carry diseases (such as rabies) and have been known to become aggressive when defensive.

2. Piranhas in Paraguay

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Piranhas are known to be scavengers rather than hunters; however, this didn’t stop three separate groups from attacking swimmers in Paraguay in 2022. The incidents resulted in a total of four fatalities and other serious injuries, including lost toes, fingers, and chunks of skin from the face. A common theory is that the attacks were perpetrated by people throwing food from nearby restaurants into the water.

3. When Bees Swarm

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In 2021, a man died, and several others were hospitalized after walking into a bee swarm in Arizona. Another example is of a woman from the UK who unknowingly drove home with a queen bee on her car, which resulted in the rest of her hive following the car through town. Bee swarms can number up to 800,000 individuals, with roughly 1,000 stings resulting in death. This incident highlights how even benign animals, such as bees, can become deadly when disturbed.

4. Grasshoppers Takeover Las Vegas

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In 2019, 46 million grasshoppers overtook Las Vegas. The swarm created a surreal scene of insects buzzing around neon lights, disrupting daily life in the city but without causing any lasting damage. The swarm was likely the result of a very wet July, which provided the perfect conditions for breeding.

5. Spider Crabs Overrun Cornwall

David Haintz via Canva

In 2022, thousands of spider crabs swarmed the beaches of Cornwall, creating an eerie scene. Although t harmless, the sheer number of crabs startled beachgoers. The crabs were likely migrating and appeared in the area due to rising sea temperatures caused by the climate crisis. Other examples of crab swarms can be seen on Christmas Island, where the world’s largest migration of crabs (40-50 million red crabs) swarm out of the forest, heading for the ocean.

6. Feral Hogs Devastate Farms

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In 2012, feral hogs that had migrated from Texas ravaged New Mexico farms during their travels. As they went, they destroyed crops and attacked livestock, while local farmers were forced to abandon their properties. The hogs spread over 20 diseases and forced local livestock to compete for food and water. The feral hogs decimated the area’s economy in their wake.

7. A Mouse Plague

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In 2021, there was a massive outbreak of mice in Australia after a prolonged drought and then sudden heavy rainfall, creating the ideal breeding conditions. As a result, the mouse plague led to devastating consequences for farmers as mouse traps and poisons were powerless to stop the swarming rodents. The mice swarmed into homes, hospitals, and farms, chewing through wires, breaking machinery, and contaminating food.

8. Sharks Swarm Surfers

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In 2023, two separate, but still rare, shark swarms attacked surfers off Long Island. Victims of the swarms sustained injuries to their feet, legs, and hands, but everyone fortunately survived. Drone footage showed roughly 50 sharks on the hunt near the shore. The swarms served to remind us that nature is unpredictable and that our waters pose potential dangers.

9. Fire Ants Attack

SweetCrisis via Canva

Fire ant swarms can be deadly as these ants are notorious for their aggressive nature and venomous sting, which can lead to allergic reactions and even death. In 2019, a retired Air Force veteran suffering from advanced lung cancer was attacked twice by a swarm of fire ants while in a VA nursing home. Due to his ailing health, he was unable to protect himself and was soon overtaken by the ants. The attacks are said to have contributed to his death.

10. Giant Hornets Descend

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In 2013, a swarm of giant hornets descended on three cities in Shaanxi, China. The swarms invaded schools and farms and resulted in 1,675 injuries, 206 hospitalizations, and 42 deaths. The deaths were likely a result of allergic reactions, however their venom also destroys red blood cells, leading to kidney failure. In Asia, hornet attacks are not uncommon, and insects kill up to 50 people annually in Japan.

Coexisting with Nature’s Swarms

Pascal Schmidt via Canva

Swarming animals can be fascinating to witness, but getting caught in one can result in the loss of livelihood, limbs, and even life in extreme cases. The above examples of swarms show that humans should remember to tread carefully when around large groups of animals. Perhaps it might be best just to stay far away when a swarm is on the horizon.