Home Wild Military Dolphins and Their Role in Protecting the US Nuclear Arsenal

Military Dolphins and Their Role in Protecting the US Nuclear Arsenal

Youtube – KPassionate

Dolphins are not just the friendly and playful creatures you know about; did you know they played an essential role in national security? Since the 1960s, the U.S. military has trained these dolphins to perform defense duties, one of these duties being the protection of nuclear weapon stocks. But how did these animals come to be used in military strategy? Let’s find out.

Why Dolphins?

Canva – inusuke

Dolphins are one of the most intelligent species on earth, and have proven to be excellent problem solvers. These traits make them ideal for underwater tasks like finding mines, detecting people and even recovering lost objects. Their mobility and depth adjustment are also better than most man-made devices.

The U.S. Navy’s Marine Mammal Program (NMMP)

Youtube – Fluctus

The NMMP was founded in 1959 to determine the military value of different marine beings, sea lions and sharks being the first to be examined. Out of all the species tested, only bottlenose dolphins and California sea lions were found to be most suited for different defense duties.

Nuclear Base Protection

Youtube – Fluctus

Presently, military dolphins protect a quarter of the U.S. nuclear arsenal at two major naval bases; King’s Bay in Georgia and Naval Base Kitsap in Washington. These dolphins assist in the detection and prevention of threats that are meant to target critical submarine facilities located in the waters surrounding the bases.

Dolphin Training and Duties

Youtube – Fluctus

Military dolphins are trained to recognise enemy divers, find underwater mines and secure coastlines. They have cameras fixed in their mouths, act as messengers and may even approach human handlers to inform them of any danger they sense.

The Echolocation Superpower

Youtube – KPassionate

Dolphins produce click noises and utilize the reflection of the sound waves that are returned to them to ‘see’ in the dark. This capability enables them to detect objects even in low light conditions, which makes them very efficient at detecting underwater mines and intruders.

Vietnam War Operations

Youtube – Real Science

Dolphins were used to protect naval ships and identify enemy swimmers during the Vietnam War. Dolphins named Garth, John, Slan,Tinker, and Toad upheld security at Cam Ranh Bay and prevented underwater attacks that would have jeopardized military hardware.

Persian Gulf Missions

Wikimedia Commons – U.S. Navy Photo by Illustrator Draftsman 1st Class Pierre G. Georges

From 1986 to 1988, the military dolphins assisted in protecting the Kuwaiti oil tankers as they made their way through the dangerous waters. In 2003, they were once again called into action to help clear mines in Iraq’s Umm Qasr port. This was to allow coalition forces to secure the waterways.

The Controversy

Wikimedia Commons – U.S. Navy photo by Photographer’s Mate 1st Class Brien Aho

Using military dolphins as a means of combat is a subject that has raised a lot of heat. Critics are quick to point out that these intelligent animals are being exploited and put in harm’s way without ever being told why.

How Dolphins Are Kept and Trained

Wikimedia Commons – Official Navy Page

Military dolphins are kept in controlled environments, given a regimented lifestyle, and are well looked after. Still, the issues regarding captivity, freedom, and the proper treatment of dolphins have resulted in continued discussions of their usage in military applications.

Russia’s Military Dolphins

Canva – racheldonahue

Military dolphins are also used by Russia. After seizing Crimea in 2014, Russia seized Ukraine’s military dolphins and developed its own program. In the last few years, a beluga whale thought to be a Russian spy was spotted near Norway.

The Future of Military Dolphins

Wikimedia Commons – U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Rafael Martie

Even with ethical issues still in the air, military dolphins are still being used in naval defense missions. However, with the development of robotics and underwater sensors, their function may change. But for now, they are perfect for the role and remain vital assets of the naval forces.

Dolphins: Unexpected Heroes of Naval Security

Wikimedia Commons – US Navy

Regardless of how people see them, military dolphins have certainly made an impact on naval defense. Their intelligence, echolocation, and agility make them perfectly suitable for the security tasks. Their role might evolve with technological advancements, but for now, their contribution to military history is undeniable.