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Cool Facts About Your Pets

Chendongshan from Getty Images Pro Via Canva

Domesticated animals never cease to make our lives brighter. Despite being so familiar with our furry companions, there are still some cool and fun facts that a lot of people don’t know about. From part of the reason why cats are so clever to how dogs manage to run so fast, we’re sure you’ll learn something new.

Helena Lopes from Pexels

Sweat And Facial Expressions

As many people know, dogs can’t sweat through their skin like us humans do. They pant to try to cool their bodies down when they’re too hot. But dogs do sweat out of one part of their body, and that’s through their paw pads.

Despite the fact that dogs have far fewer facial expressions than humans, they actually have around 100 different ways of showing you how they feel. One advantage over humans is that they can move their ears with surprising dexterity. This means that most of their facial expressions are in their ears.

Different Barks And Top Speed

Nadine Doerle from Pixabay

We’re sure you know exactly what your dog sounds like when they bark, but that’s just the most common way they express their emotions. Dogs have around ten different vocal noises they can make to try to tell you different things. Most are trying to grab your attention, whether they want to be let out with a bark or want to alert you of danger with a low bark or a growl. Pay attention to what they want to tell you.

Most dogs can run an average of 19 miles per hour. That’s nearly ten miles an hour slower than Usain Bolt! There are some exceptions, like the greyhound being able to reach 45 miles per hour!

Cat Facts

Inge Wallumrød from Pexels

Ever surprised at just how much distance your cat can make up when jumping from a surface or up onto a ledge? Well, most cats can jump up to seven times their height. Remember that for when you’re trying to keep them out of trouble.

While dogs only have ten vocal sounds, cats have 10x more! They have 100 different noises that they can make when they’re happy, scared, or alert. The collective name for kittens is as adorable as you’d imagine being called a kindle. A group of adult cats, on the other hand, is called a clowder.

Bones And Memory

Michal Collection Via Canva

Cats have much more bones than the human body, with around 15% more. Two hundred thirty bones mean that their skeleton can contort in ways we could never dream of. It now makes sense how our feline companions manage to crawl into some of the smallest gaps and curl into the smallest boxes.

Ever wonder why cats appear to be so clever when compared to dogs? Well, some of it is due to them being more quick witted, but a lot of it has to do with their memory. While in the most extreme cases, a dog will forget something 5 minutes after it happened, cats will remember it for far longer. A cat can remember events up to 16 hours after they happen.


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