Home Science & Research For 800 Years, This Alaskan Volcano Lay Dormant, But Recent Clues Suggest...

For 800 Years, This Alaskan Volcano Lay Dormant, But Recent Clues Suggest Otherwise

Alaska is home to an imposing geological wonder – Mount Edgecumbe. The dormant volcano sits on Kruzof Island and hasn’t been active for 800 years, however, recent signs have raised concern among scientists. Edgecumbe’s next eruption could be closer than we think.

Thomson200 via Wikimedia Commons

The volcano is one of many that were formed by tectonic activity millions of years ago. Mount Edgecumbe, specifically, was formed over time from volcanic ash and other debris piling up on one another, this magma rose through the ground and formed the steep summit that we can see today.

Recent Activity

Although the volcano hasn’t erupted in nearly a thousand years, with it’s last eruption also being relatively small, the landscape has been altered by it’s past activity. With recent activity being detected in the volcano, geologists are proposing that the volcano be considered active once again.

Global Volcanism Program Edgecumbe

  Increased earthquakes and seismic activity are concerning signs that there may be activity inside of the volcano. The signs are not any definitive proof that the volcano is waking up, but scientists should have an eye Mt. Edgecumbe for the foreseable future.

Dormant For Ages

Edgecumbe is a bizarre case that has stayed dormant for so long. The near millennium that the volcano slept suggests that it entered a stable state, although this could be changing. Researchers are still trying to understand more about the volcano and why it could wake up now.


From additional studies, scientists have discovered something alarming – there is geothermal flow surrounding the volcano. This could be a warning sign that the volcano may not be dormant for too much longer.

Monitoring The Volcano

Scientists are watching the volcano, and have used modern technology to find out as much about it as possible. Techniques included in their research are surveys, satellite imagery. and seismographs. This technology allows them to watch in real-time as variables change in the volcano. Alaska Volcano Observatory are hard at work, ensuring that if there’s a sign an eruption is imminent, they can predict when it could be.

Wikimedia Commons

Mt. Edgecumbe may have been docile for 800 years, but if it erupts now, there could be massive implications for local communities and wildlife. The city of Sitka sits close to the shadow of the volcano, which is a startling revelation. Minor eruptions would, at the very least, hinder air travel through volcanic smoke and hurt tourism.

The Ecosystem And Local People

The ecosystem that hosts a wide variety of biodiversity would also be impacted by an eruption. Ash fall would block out the sun and coat both plants and animals. The current ecosystems would be thrown off of balance, but new ecosystems could form from the new soil that the volcanic lava brings with it. Nature has a way of starting again.

Sitka Hotel

The Tlingit and Haida people have a verbal history of the volcano that they passed down. The local people know the dangers of the volcano and what it can do. They bring a rich historical perspective to the volcano as it has cultural significance.

Mount Edgecumbe is just one of many volcanoes that sit in Alaska. There are over 130 active and dormant volcanoes in the state, which have apparent effects on the local geography around them. The volcanoes that dot the region must be respected, as they helped to shape the landscape and the ecosystems around them to what they are today.

Preparing For The Worst

With the recent activity inside and around Mount Edgecumbe, many people are preparing for the worst. Evacuation plans have been readied with early warning systems in place to ensure residents are ready at a moments notice. While they prepare a contingency plan, researchers are still trying to better understand the behemoth, hoping to figure out any potential patterns.

David Baron via Wikimedia Commons

Mount Edgecumbe isn’t going anywhere and may stand tall among significant changes on the Earth. It’s an iconic part of the world that could shape the landscape again as it has before. The volcano has a mind of its own and an unpredictable one at that, but we’re not sure when or if that will happen anytime soon.

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