Home Care & Tips Check Your Dog Food – 13 Essential Vitamins And Minerals Dogs Need...

Check Your Dog Food – 13 Essential Vitamins And Minerals Dogs Need To Live

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Like humans, man’s best friend needs certain vitamins and minerals to help keep them healthy, vibrance and maintain their spirits. Sources of dog food can include prepared meals, supplements, treats, and commercial dog food. But this list of essential vitamins and minerals can help you select the perfect food and snacks to help maintain a balanced diet and keep your fur baby happy.

1. Vitamin A

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Vitamin A is essential for maintaining healthy vision, skin, and immune function. Additionally, it plays a key role in cellular growth and reproduction. This vitamin helps your canine fight disease and infection. It is an important vitamin for puppies because it helps strong and healthy skeletal formation. Vitamin A can be found in liver, fish oil, carrots, and sweet potatoes. Commercial dog foods are also abundant with the correct levels of Vitamin A.

2. B-Complex Vitamins

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B vitamins include: B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9 and B12. They are important for energy, metabolism, red blood cell production, and nervous system health. Essentially, these vitamins help convert food into energy. They are commonly found in beef, poultry, fish, egg,s and liver (among others). As these vitamins are so important, remember that they come from a balanced diet rather than from supplements (unless otherwise specified by your vet).

3. Vitamin C

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While dogs can produce Vitamin C themselves, it is still an important part of their health as it aids in growth and tissue repair. This antioxidant helps combat stress and inflammation and is vital in speeding up recovery from wounds and injuries. However, be careful with Vitamin C, as too much can cause diarrhea. Vitamin C is mainly found in fruits and vegetables.

4. Vitamin D

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To address calcium and phosphorus absorption, which promotes bone health, ensure your canine gets his Vitamin D. Without it, your fur baby could be at risk for skeletal disorders. The vitamin also helps support immune function and the proper function of muscles and nerves. As dogs don’t absorb vitamin d through their skin like humans do, it is important to add foods like egg yolks, fatty fish (salmon and sardines) and fish liver oils in your dog’s diet.

5. Vitamin E

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Another important antioxidant is one that helps prevent cell damage and supports healthy skin and coat. Ensure to add vegetable oils (sunflower oil, for example), nuts, seeds, and leafy green veggies to your dog’s diet. This will help support immune function and maintain a healthy weight. Commercial dog food has enough Vitamin E to support your fur baby.

6. Vitamin K

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Vitamin K is an essential vitamin in blood clotting processes and maintaining good bone and kidney health, and it is particularly important for pregnant dogs as it helps prevent birth defects. Folic Acid with Vitamin B12 can help iron functions, which is crucial for healthy red blood cell production. Vitamin K is found in high-quality commercial dog food brands, leafy greens and liver.

7. Calcium and Phosphorus

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To promote bone and teeth formation, muscle function, nerve transmission, and metabolism support, make sure to look out for Calcium and Phosphorus. Calcium is typically found in dairy products, bone meal, fish (with bones), and green leafy vegetables, while Phosphorus is found in beef, fish, eggs, dairy products, and poultry. However, when feeding your dog dairy products, be sure to do so in moderation.

8. Sodium

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Despite its bad reputation, sodium is an electrolyte that helps maintain proper fluid balance in cells, promotes nerve and muscle functions, and regulates pH levels. It is found in red meat, poultry, eggs, and seafood. It is important to note that most commercial dog food has more than enough sodium.

9. Iron

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Iron is an important mineral that helps create red blood cells, and hemoglobin transports oxygen throughout the body. It also has enzymes that regulate metabolism and digestion. While found in commercial dog food, you can also feed your fur baby beef, liver, fish, poultry, and fruits and vegetables to supplement iron intake.

10. Zinc

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Zinc supports immune function and skin health and helps in healing wounds quicker. Ensure your dog’s diet has enough zinc by feeding your dog foods such as beef, fish, poultry, dairy products, and whole grains. Dairy products must always be moderately supplemented as they can cause digestive distress.

11. Magnesium

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As the third most common mineral in a dog’s bones (after calcium and phosphorus), magnesium is essential for bone health, metabolism processes, energy production, muscle function, nervous system support, and heart health. As part of a balanced diet, add whole grains, leafy green vegetables, nuts, seeds, and fish to your dog’s diet to boost magnesium levels.

12. Copper

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This mineral is crucial in building a dog’s skeletal system. It also helps with the construction of connective tissues and prevents iron anemia. Copper also plays an important role in absorbing iron. It also creates myelin, which protects the body’s nerves. Adding liver, fish, whole grains, and nuts to your dog’s diet will help maintain iron levels.

13. Potassium

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Potassium is an electrolyte, which makes it important for almost all bodily functions. Working in conjunction with Sodium, potassium works to balance the body and prevent dehydration. It helps with heart health, nerve impulses, and muscle contraction. While found in commercial dog food, it can also be found in salmon, bananas, potatoes and apples.