Home Pets 12 Common Cat Myths That Are Completely False

12 Common Cat Myths That Are Completely False

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You know how they say you shouldn’t believe everything you hear? Well, this is one of those cases. Cats have been our furry companions for thousands of years, and during that time, many myths and misconceptions have developed around them. Some of these myths are harmless, while others can affect how we care for our feline friends.

1. Cats Always Land On Their Feet

Canva – Marcia Sa

This must be one of the most well-known myths told over centuries. While it’s true that cats have a remarkable righting reflex that helps them twist their bodies mid-air to land on their paws, this doesn’t guarantee a perfect landing every time. Factors like the height of the fall, the cat’s age, health, and even the surface they’re landing on can all affect the outcome. Cats can and do suffer injuries from falls, especially from low heights where they don’t have enough time to adjust their bodies properly.

2. Cats Hate Water

Canva – Irynakhabliuk

Many people believe that all cats hate water, but this isn’t entirely true. Although it’s common for cats to avoid getting wet, their aversion often comes down to unfamiliarity rather than an innate dislike. In the wild, some big cats, like tigers, are known to swim and even enjoy water to cool off. Similarly, certain domestic breeds, like the Turkish Van, are naturally drawn to water and may even take a dip if given the chance. A cat’s reluctance to get wet could be due to their thick fur, which can become heavy and take a long time to dry.

3. A Purring Cat Is A Happy Cat

Canva – EncroVision

A common misconception is that a purring cat is always a happy cat, but purring is not always an indicator of contentment. While cats often purr when relaxed or enjoying attention, they can also purr when stressed, anxious, or even in pain. For example, cats may purr when they’re injured or frightened as a self-soothing mechanism. Some experts believe that purring also has a healing effect, helping cats recover from injuries or illnesses by stimulating the release of endorphins.

4. Cats Can See In Total Darkness

Canva – Lepale

Cats have exceptional night vision but can’t see in complete darkness. Their eyes are designed to make the most of low light, thanks to many retina rod cells and a reflective layer called the tapetum lucidum, which enhances their ability to see in dim conditions. However, like humans, cats still need some light to see. In pitch-black environments, they rely on their other sharp senses, like hearing and whisker sensitivity, to navigate.

5. Cats Should Drink Milk

Canva – Laszlo_szelenczey

We couldn’t have been more wrong about this little myth, and we might even be hurting our four-legged friend. While cats may lap up milk when offered, most adult cats are lactose intolerant, meaning they lack the enzyme needed to digest lactose, the sugar in milk. Drinking milk can lead to upset stomachs, diarrhea, and other digestive issues. Water is the best drink for keeping your cat hydrated, and their nutritional needs are best met through a high-quality diet designed specifically for cats.

6. Declawing Cats Is Not That Bad

Canva – Seenad

Declawing isn’t just the removal of a cat’s claws—it’s an invasive surgery that involves amputating the last bone of each toe. Does that sound harmless? This procedure can lead to chronic pain, mobility issues, and behavioural problems like increased aggression or litter box avoidance. Cats rely on their claws for climbing, balance, and self-defence, making declawing physically and emotionally distressing. Many veterinarians and animal welfare organizations strongly oppose declawing and advocate for humane alternatives, like regular nail trimming, scratching posts, and claw caps, to manage scratching behaviour.

7. Cats Aren’t Social Animals

Canva – MoonRid3r

Cats are often portrayed as anti-social and independent but can form deep bonds with their humans and other animals. Cats show affection subtly, like following you around, headbutting, or purring in your presence. Some cats are more social than others, but many enjoy companionship and thrive in environments where they feel safe and loved. In multi-cat households, you’ll often find cats grooming or cuddling each other, further proving their social nature. Cats might not express their emotions as openly as dogs, but that doesn’t mean they don’t crave connection.

8. Cats Are Nocturnal

Canva – Shaggy44

Cats are far from being nocturnal and crepuscular, meaning they are most active during the early morning and evening twilight hours. This behavior stems from their wild ancestors, who hunted during these times to catch the most active prey at dawn and dusk. While your cat might seem wide awake in the middle of the night, this is often because their natural rhythm doesn’t perfectly align with human schedules.

9. Cats Are Low Maintenance

Canva – MoiLolita

While cats are more independent than some other animals, like dogs, they still require significant care and attention. They need a clean litter box, regular grooming, playtime to keep them mentally and physically stimulated, and annual veterinary checkups to stay healthy. Additionally, cats thrive on social interaction and can become lonely or bored if left alone for too long.

10. Black Cats Are Bad Luck

Canva – Atakan Ozer

This one might be self-explanatory, but this myth likely stems from historical associations with witchcraft and superstition. In many cultures, black cats are seen as symbols of good luck and protection. For example, in Japan, black cats are believed to bring prosperity; in Scotland, a black cat arriving at your home is considered a sign of good fortune.

11. Cats Are Un-Trainable

Canva – BS Manon

This myth seriously underestimates the intelligence of cats, which couldn’t be further from the truth. Cats may not respond to training the same way as dogs, but they can learn behaviors, tricks, and commands with the right approach. Cats respond best to positive reinforcement, like treats, praise, or play, rather than punishment. Training isn’t just about teaching fun tricks—it’s also a great way to enrich your cat’s life, strengthen your bond, and address unwanted behaviors.

12. Indoor Cats Don’t Need Frequent Vet Trips

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Even though indoor cats are less likely to encounter outdoor hazards, they’re still at risk for health issues like obesity, dental problems, or chronic conditions like diabetes or kidney disease. Regular check-ups are essential for monitoring their health, keeping up with vaccinations, and catching possible health issues early. Parasites like fleas and worms can also make their way indoors, so preventive care is still a must.

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