Animals are loved and watched for their interesting habits, looks, and so much more. Who would have known that birds would be loved for their funky hairstyles? These flying fashionistas deserve their space in the fashion industry for good reason.
1. Victoria Crowned Pigeon

This bird deserves its own space in royalty because of the blue-grey crown it sports. These birds can be found in New Guinea, and their hair-like feathers have made them quite popular. These majestic birds have a booming call that can echo through the forest, and it’s quite the experience as they are endangered and not spotted often.
2. Philippine Eagle

This is the biggest eagle in the world, and it takes a prize for great-looking hair, too. Its black-and-white wingspan stretches up to seven feet, and it has a feathered crown to prove it is king of the sky. Unfortunately, it is also endangered and needs some extra conservation care.
3. Great Curassow

These fashionistas can be found in Central America. They sport black-and-white feathers and a crown. They move through tropical forests and are quite the picture of elegance.
4. Eurasian Hoopoe

The Eurasian Hoopoe’s crest is its pièce de résistance, paired with a sleek brown body and a call that sounds like laughter. They can be found across Europe and Asia and sport quite the hairdo. Their stripe feathers out when they are alarmed is enough to grab the attention of any onlooker.
5. Tufted Puffin

These handsome little birds sport a feathered tuxedo with an orange tuft in their hair. The tuft grows longer during the breeding season, giving them a punk-rock edge. Their vibrant orange beak only adds to their charm.
6. Northern Cardinal

Red looks good on everyone, even on these feathered friends. Their crimson blades show a sharp contrast against the winter snow, making them stand out above everything. They also share monogamous bonds with their partners, making them such romantic birds.
7. Polish Chicken

These chickens don’t look like your regular chicken. They sport a feathered pom-pom on their heads and fluffy bodies. They are pretty skilled flyers, but they do need some grooming to keep them happy and healthy. They make for some great pets!
8. Hoatzin

These birds might not smell very pleasing, but they are remarkable. These South American birds have punk-rock mohawks with a blue face and maroon eyes to make them seem unremarkable. They have a unique feature that ferments leaves in a specialized crop, producing methane and a pungent odor that deters predators. Young birds even have claws on their wings to help them climb trees.
9. Smew

These ducks sport a black eye mask and fine black stripes that can be pretty interesting, while the females sport an impressive crown. They have serrated bills and hooked tips designed for underwater ambushes, precisely snatching fish and insects. They are good divers and can stay underwater for up to 30 seconds to help them hunt.
10. Cockatoo

These majestic birds can grow to be up to 50 cm tall. They have a shrill, laughter-like call that can be easily identified. Their bright yellow crest is a significant contrast against their white feathers. They are also known to form very strong bonds with humans, making them great companions.
11. Indian Peacock

These birds sport interesting hair and a pretty interesting tail. During courtship, males fan their 6-foot-long train into a semicircle, shaking it to rattle the stiff quills and create a low-frequency hum. Their call can echo from far away, and they are surprisingly agile runners and climbers.
12. Crested Pigeon

These pigeons have quite the mohawk to sport and an elegant grey-brown plumage. They have the most beautiful colored wings that are enough to make you stop and do a double-take. These birds are impressive and a sighting worth your time.