Dogs come in all shapes and sizes, but some of the most adorable breeds have pointy ears that add to their charm and character. These breeds are adorable and have unique personalities and traits that make them wonderful companions.
Finnish Lapphund

The Finnish Lapphund is a medium-sized herding dog known for its friendly demeanor and pointy ears. Originally bred to herd reindeer in Lapland, these dogs are loyal and sociable. Their thick fur helps them withstand cold climates, making them great companions for outdoor activities and family life.
Siberian Husky

Siberian Huskies are famous for striking blue or multi-colored eyes and erect pointy ears. These energetic dogs were bred for sledding in harsh Arctic conditions. They are friendly and good with children but require plenty of exercise to keep them happy and healthy.
German Shepherd

The German Shepherd is one of the most popular dog breeds worldwide, recognized for its intelligence and loyalty. Their strong, pointy ears give them an alert appearance. These dogs excel in various roles, including service work, police duties, and as loving family pets.
Pembroke Welsh Corgi

Corgis are known for their short legs and adorable pointy ears. Originally bred to herd cattle, they are intelligent and trainable. Their playful nature and affectionate personality make them excellent companions, beloved by many, including Queen Elizabeth II.

Chihuahuas are small but full of personality, featuring large pointy ears that add to their charm. Due to their size, they make great companions for city dwellers. Despite their small stature, they are brave and often have a big-dog attitude, making them quite entertaining.

The Basenji is known as the “barkless dog” due to its unique vocalizations and pointy ears. This breed is intelligent and independent, often described as cat-like in behavior. They require consistent training and socialization to thrive in a family environment.
Finnish Spitz

Its fox-like appearance and lively personality characterizes this breed. Finnish Spitz dogs have prominent pointy ears that help them hear better while hunting. They are known for their playful nature and love of barking, earning them the nickname “barking bird dogs.”

The Papillon is a small breed with distinctive butterfly-like ears that stand erect. Known for their intelligence and friendliness, these dogs thrive on companionship and training. They were originally bred as lapdogs for nobility, making them both elegant and charming.
Norwegian Elkhound

With a strong build and pointy ears, the Norwegian Elkhound is a versatile breed for hunting moose and elk. These dogs are known for their loyalty and protective nature towards their families. They require regular exercise to channel their energy positively.
Alaskan Klee Kai

The Alaskan Klee Kai is a smaller version of the Siberian Husky, featuring striking pointy ears contributing to its wolf-like appearance. This breed is playful, intelligent, and good with families but can be reserved around strangers.
Swedish Vallhund

This herding breed has a sturdy build with characteristic pointy ears, making it look like a mix between a Corgi and a wolf. Swedish Vallhunds are energetic, friendly, and excellent with children, making them great family pets.

Keeshonds are medium-sized dogs with fluffy coats and distinctive pointy ears that look fox-like. Known for their cheerful disposition, these dogs are friendly with everyone they meet and make excellent watchdogs due to their alertness.
20 Adorable Dogs with Pointy Ears You Need to See
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