Home Science & Research 11 U.S. Regions That May Be Unlivable by 2070

11 U.S. Regions That May Be Unlivable by 2070

Reddit – Upfish-Sinclair

The year is 2070. The world is hotter, sea levels are creeping up, and entire regions of the U.S. are becoming straight-up uninhabitable. If you think climate change is just about sweating a little more in July, think again. Some places are heading toward record heat, unstoppable floods, and air quality disasters. Here’s where you might not want to live in 50 years.

1. Phoenix, Arizona

Canva – Brent_1

Phoenix is already a blazing furnace in summer, regularly hitting 110°F+ (43°C+). But by 2070? It could be pushing 130°F (54°C). That’s not “hot”—that’s “your steering wheel will literally burn your hands” hot. Add in water shortages from the dwindling Colorado River, and Phoenix is on a fast track to being unlivable.

2. Miami, Florida

Canva – Gagliardi Photography

Miami is fun now, but unless you like swimming to work, you might want to rethink that beachfront property. Rising sea levels are already flooding streets on sunny days, and by 2070, scientists predict that large parts of Miami will be permanently underwater. South Beach? More like South Reef.

3. New Orleans, Louisiana

Canva – f11photo

New Orleans is literally disappearing. It’s sinking at a rate of two inches per year, while hurricanes are getting stronger and more frequent. By 2070, the city could be more water than land, making it impossible for many to stay. Love jazz and beignets? Enjoy them while you can—before they come with a side of mandatory evacuation.

4. Las Vegas, Nevada

Canva – Jupiterimages

Las Vegas is built on glitz, glamour, and unsustainable water use. Lake Mead, the city’s main water source, is shrinking at an alarming rate. By 2070, Vegas might still have casinos and neon lights, but no water to flush the toilets. A party city with no water? Yeah, that’s not going to work, is it.

5. Houston, Texas

Canva – Nathaniel Ortega-Torres

Houston is Hurricane Central, and it’s only getting worse. Rising sea levels and stronger storms mean that by 2070, the city could be underwater multiple times a year. And let’s not forget the brutal summer heat waves—because nothing says “fun” like drowning one month and roasting the next.

6. Los Angeles, California

Canva – shalunts

California’s wildfires are already turning entire towns into ash, and it’s only going to get worse. With longer droughts, hotter temps, and dry landscapes, Los Angeles is looking at a future filled with smog, smoke, and evacuations. By 2070, breathing L.A.’s air could feel like inhaling a campfire.

7. The Florida Keys – Say Goodbye to Paradise

Canva – Bertl123

The Florida Keys are a postcard-perfect dream, but in reality, they’re barely above sea level. By 2070, they might not exist at all. The combination of rising oceans, stronger hurricanes, and eroding coastlines means that these islands could become uninhabitable way sooner than you think.

8. Death Valley, California

Pexels – Angelica Reyn

You know a place is bad when it’s literally called Death Valley. It already holds the record for the hottest temperature on Earth, and by 2070, it might be so hot that even cacti are like, “No thanks.” If you enjoy boiling temperatures, bone-dry landscapes, and zero chance of rain, Death Valley might still be for you. Otherwise? It’s a hard pass.

9. The Outer Banks, North Carolina

Canva – Seth Michael

The Outer Banks are beautiful, fragile, and disappearing. Erosion is already stealing feet of land per year, and rising seas will only speed things up. By 2070, some of these islands might be fully submerged, making your beach house investment a really expensive reef.

10. Salt Lake City, Utah – Turning Into a Toxic Dust Bowl

Canva – pick-uppath

Salt Lake City isn’t just running out of water—the shrinking Great Salt Lake is exposing toxic dust that could poison the air. As temperatures rise and droughts become permanent, Salt Lake City’s future looks less like a mountain retreat and more like a dust-choked wasteland.

11. Chicago, Illinois

Canva – samafoto

Chicago might not seem like a climate disaster zone, but by 2070, it’ll be facing worsening heat waves, stronger storms, and brutal winters. The Great Lakes region is warming faster than expected, leading to erratic, extreme weather. One year it’ll be flooding, the next it’ll be frozen solid. Either way, it’s not looking good.

The Clock Is Ticking

Canva – Elnur

By 2070, climate change won’t be a debate—it’ll be a reality. Entire cities could be too hot, too flooded, or too polluted to live in. The question is: will we act now, or will we wait until Miami is a snorkeling destination? The future of these regions depends on whether we take climate action seriously. What are your thoughts?